Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Victim of time

How it passes

And what it does

To people

Once kids

Then boys and girls

Then men and women

The core

And the shell,


And silently answer, repel

Run and cry

Vision and then the eyes

It is named time

A futile power

A living dead

And a deceitful truth

They say

No point in holding on to it

Repeat and memorize

Daily once, twice, thrice

But Oh! The beauty

That passed by

Still blinks in my wet eyes

People named friends

Those days and trends

That garden and those benches

Still….. still….

A few certificates

Remind me of my victory

And their defeat

Prize money is all spent

That time is dead

Not even a year old

In this new world

Everybody inquires

Of my past life

And secretly laugh

When I turn my eyes

These photographs

Are deep

An ocean of time

Like two Samosa’s

Dipped in coconut chutney

Or a bottle of soft drink

That passed till last sip

See them

A lot more

Is beneath them

A tranquil layer of vodka,

Lime, ice and a pinch of salt,

The froth of beer,

Aroma of the coffee,

In million card houses.

Sound of music,

Debates on feminism,

Chains of smoke,

Libraries and their ambiance

Hugs and kisses,

Diary entries and dope,

Rushing to the college

To show what you wrote.

A car accident,

When we were broke.

Losing control, after 8 P.M

Sleeping in the girls’ room.

Rain in the desert,

Full moon in the bathtub,

The kurta with the shloks

The teachers who became friends,

That bonfire and the holy smoke

Ashes and dew drops

Think about them

So….. many

So many moments

Make these photographs

Always remember

It’s just me

Another victim of time


ishqia said...

long but good... very smooth flow

man in painting said...

Time frozen in to million pellets..Life gets sliced by the diamond cutter...so close yet each one separate..time has no logic so there is no need of any sort of connection between these slice..yet time itself is the logic....
loved it..
i like images..your post was too rich..inspirational..
keep on posting..
me too have a new post..
hope you will read it...

Shruti said...

:-< I'm a victim too.. I miss everything so much..
U've written well.. got all nostalgic, hmm?

Unknown said...


The emotion behind this work was pretty well brought up. It certainly has a very nostalgic touch to it.

Nice work.

Anindita said...

You got me all nostalgic! But, i love what you have written! :)

Thana Lekshmi said...

I liked it very much... Nice poem... :D

Akshay said...

ishqia : Thanks

Akshay said...

MAN IN PAINTING : I agree with ur thoughts ..... sure thing: I will check ur post...

Akshay said...

Shruti : I am glad you cud identify...

Akshay said...

Alok, Thanks

Akshay said...

Anindita: thanks

Akshay said...

ThanaMoi : thanks ...

Beauty and the BEast said...


Nice understanding of time..

I think one of the biggest gifts that time has given me is the bouquet of memories too...
Very nice!!!

Sree said...

Got intense towards the end.I like it.Also,a guy writing about wet eyes always a pleasure to read...erm...well...I mean,usually men dont talk about crying,thts why.

venuss66 said...

Good one. Keep writing. No update?

Akshay said...

Beauty and the BEast : Thanks .... u r right ... memories are very important...

Akshay said...

Sree: Thank you so much...I know what you mean....but I think that's more of "burden of masculinity" ....lol..

Akshay said...

Venus: Thanks....will update soon!!

Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be wow.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘crazypoems’ and 'car memoirs' took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run www.rambhai.com where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Akshay said...

Ray: sure thing!!

Anonymous said...

The Memory Remains.

man in painting said...

me have a new post..
do visit..

Raghav said...

yaar tu bahut cool likhta hai!
loved it man... i can never hold a thought for this long, and ive always been awed by ppl who can.

Akshay said...

Ravish: It sure does....

Akshay said...

Man In Painting: Sure thing!!

Akshay said...

Raghav: Thanks brother!! How is life?

Archana said...

Like others, that got me nostalgic too! beautiful piece of poetry!