Friday, October 31, 2008

Revising: Blues

My tale will never end
I will write more
For you
Today you are gone
But I still walk to your house
And romance with your furniture
I try to smell you on your phone
And sit on your chair

It’s the nearness to your belongings
That is my poem for you
That makes me sad
Yet content
Because I can still touch you

I wonder sometimes
If you can sense me?
When I leave
I wonder sometimes
If these small things make a difference to you


Sree said...

This poem makes me sad somehow.It questions where to draw the line between love and obsession.

mou said...

well...after going through your does ring a bell of similarity...

Chris Ogunlowo said...

This is a lovely poem. Yeah, I agree with Sree... it sure raises a question about Love and Obsession. And reading the last verse, it makes me question narcissism too. I like the words.


Akshay said...

Sree: It radiates my sadness.... and you are probably right.... that line was not really drawn

Akshay said...

Scorpiogirl: thanks for visiting my blog!!

Akshay said...

AlooFar : Thanks !!

MysLykeMeeh said...

Hmnn---cool poem---

sounds like obsession from beloved!

Akshay said...

Mys Lyke Meeh : thanks .... i guess so!!

Akshay said...

Kiran Sawhney : thank you hai ji

Raghav said...

Nice one.
btw where do you take the illustrations from ?

Archana said...

Hi Akshay, beautifully worded.. and your pain here is obvious.

Akshay said...

Raghav: Thank u hai ji....

the pic will link you to the web page where I get the illustrations from.

Akshay said...

Archana: Thanks